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Washington State Middle Housing Model Ordinance

Project Information

Location: Washington State


Services Provided

  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Housing policy development
  • Graphic communication
  • Urban design standards

We led a consultant team that worked with the Washington State Department of Commerce to develop Middle Housing Model Ordinances and a supporting User Guide. The models help Washington cities implement the 2023 Middle Housing Bill (HB 1110), with parameters including definitions and dimensional, density, design, and parking standards. The User Guide provides additional context, policy choices, research, and analysis to support implementing code amendments. ECOnorthwest and Ogden Murphy Wallace provided economic and legal support, respectively.

The project was informed by the team’s longstanding expertise in middle housing and zoning codes and extensive public engagement, including a technical committee of statewide city planning staff, multiple focus group interviews with topic experts, and a well-utilized webinar and public comment period.


  • Led multiple engagement events, including technical committee meetings with planning staff, stakeholder focus groups, and a public webinar to present the draft ordinances and user guide
  • Completed a versatile set of middle housing model ordinances to guide cities in the implementation of HB 1110 based on expertise and engagement feedback
  • Created an accompanying user guide that uses diagrams, research, analyses, and references to real-world examples to provide expanded guidance and recommendations intended to support implementing code amendments for middle housing